Ellie Fields
My Story
On the 11th June I will be running a very hilly Exmoor marathon! Donations will be going to the Katherine Low Settlment - any donation big or small would be really appreciated. We are also hoping to take the young people we work with on a trip to the coast for the event!
Katherine Low Settlement is a much-loved, busy charity that has been at the heart of the community in Battersea, South West London, since 1924. With a few staff and a lot of volunteers, they run a range of our own community services, campaign for social change and support other charities and communities to thrive. KLS support children, young people and their families, older people, women and refugees and newly-arrived communities.
I am volunteering with the Love to Learn programme. Love to Learn has been working with children and young people from refugee backgrounds and their families and carers since 2004.They provide a range of services for 200+ children, young people and their families including befriending and mentoring support, advocacy and casework, a homework club and trips and activities. We support the young people to work towards a future in which they can access and reach their educational potential and do well, feel confident and enjoy learning.
KLS also run groups for Elders supporting and connecting with those in the community. Additionally they run free ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to support students to achieve nationally recognised qualifications. The ESOL students come from 25 different countries and speak 21 different languages.
Donations will go directly towards helping those who need it. Here are a few examples of how the money might be spent:
£ 10 could buy art supplies for our Homework Club
£ 25 could pay for an older person to go on a day trip
£ 50 could enable a vulnerable person to improve their English